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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄

안드로이드에서 단말기 내부의 사진을 ImageView 등에 출력할 때, 
이미지가 가로 방향인지 세로 방향인지 체크해서 적절하게 회전시켜서 보여주는 함수입니다.

이미지의 Orientation 정보를 얻는 함수입니다.

01.public synchronized static int GetExifOrientation(String filepath)
03.    int degree = 0;
04.    ExifInterface exif = null;
06.    try
07.    {
08.        exif = new ExifInterface(filepath);
09.    }
10.    catch (IOException e)
11.    {
12.        Log.e(TAG, "cannot read exif");
13.        e.printStackTrace();
14.    }
16.    if (exif != null)
17.    {
18.        int orientation = exif.getAttributeInt(ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION, -1);
20.        if (orientation != -1)
21.        {
22.            // We only recognize a subset of orientation tag values.
23.            switch(orientation)
24.            {
25.                case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:
26.                    degree = 90;
27.                    break;
29.                case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:
30.                    degree = 180;
31.                    break;
33.                case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:
34.                    degree = 270;
35.                    break;
36.            }
38.        }
39.    }
41.    return degree;

이미지를 특정 각도로 회전하는 함수입니다.

01.public synchronized static Bitmap GetRotatedBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int degrees)
03.    if ( degrees != 0 && bitmap != null )
04.    {
05.        Matrix m = new Matrix();
06.        m.setRotate(degrees, (float) bitmap.getWidth() / 2, (float) bitmap.getHeight() / 2 );
07.        try
08.        {
09.            Bitmap b2 = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), m, true);
10.            if (bitmap != b2)
11.            {
12.                bitmap.recycle();
13.                bitmap = b2;
14.            }
15.        }
16.        catch (OutOfMemoryError ex)
17.        {
18.            // We have no memory to rotate. Return the original bitmap.
19.        }
20.    }
22.    return bitmap;

이미지를 불러오는 함수입니다.

01.public synchronized static Bitmap SafeDecodeBitmapFile(String strFilePath)
03.    DEBUG.SHOW_DEBUG(TAG, "[ImageDownloader] SafeDecodeBitmapFile : " + strFilePath);
05.    try
06.    {
07.        File file = new File(strFilePath);
08.        if (file.exists() == false)
09.        {
10.            DEBUG.SHOW_ERROR(TAG, "[ImageDownloader] SafeDecodeBitmapFile : File does not exist !!");
12.            return null;
13.        }
15.        // Max image size
16.        final int IMAGE_MAX_SIZE    = GlobalConstants.getMaxImagePixelSize();   
17.        BitmapFactory.Options bfo   = new BitmapFactory.Options();
18.        bfo.inJustDecodeBounds      = true;
20.        BitmapFactory.decodeFile(strFilePath, bfo);
22.        if(bfo.outHeight * bfo.outWidth >= IMAGE_MAX_SIZE * IMAGE_MAX_SIZE)
23.        {
24.            bfo.inSampleSize = (int)Math.pow(2, (int)Math.round(Math.log(IMAGE_MAX_SIZE
25.                                / (double) Math.max(bfo.outHeight, bfo.outWidth)) / Math.log(0.5)));
26.        }
27.        bfo.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
28.        bfo.inPurgeable = true;
29.        bfo.inDither = true;
31.        final Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(strFilePath, bfo);
33.        int degree = GetExifOrientation(strFilePath);
35.        return GetRotatedBitmap(bitmap, degree);
36.    }
37.    catch(OutOfMemoryError ex)
38.    {
39.        ex.printStackTrace();
41.        return null;
42.    }

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