<html> <head> <script language="javascript" src="shortcut.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> function shortcuts(){ //smiple type shortcut.add( "Shift+F1",function() {alert("Shift+F1");}); /* shortcut options 1. type - String The event type - can be 'keydown','keyup','keypress'. Default: 'keydown' 2. disable_in_input - Boolean If this is set to true, keyboard capture will be disabled in input and textarea fields. If these elements have focus, the keyboard shortcut will not work. This is very useful for single key shortcuts. Default: false 3. target - DOM Node The element that should be watched for the keyboard event. Default : document 4. propagate - Boolean Allow the event to propagate? Default : false 5. keycode - Integer Watch for this keycode. For eg., the keycode '65' is 'a'. */ //propagate ??? shortcut.add( "Shift+Right", function() {alert("Shift+Right");}, { 'type':'keydown', 'propagate':true, 'target':document } ); //call function : runs //disable_in_input shortcut.add( "Ctrl+Shift+1", function() {runs("Ctrl+Shift+1");}, {'type':'keydown','propagate':false,'disable_in_input':true,'target':document} ); /* single key test //not execute shortcut.add('N', function() {runs("N");}, {'disable_in_input':false,'type':'keydown'} ); //execute shortcut.add('Ctrl', function() {runs("Ctrl");}, {'disable_in_input':false,'type':'keydown'} ); //execute shortcut.add('Shift', function() {runs("Shift");}, {'disable_in_input':false,'type':'keydown'} ); //execute shortcut.add('Alt', function() {runs("Alt");}, {'disable_in_input':false,'type':'keydown'} ); //execute shortcut.add('1', function() {runs("1");}, {'disable_in_input':false,'type':'keydown'} ); //execute shortcut.add('Right', function() {runs("Right");}, {'disable_in_input':false,'type':'keydown'} ); //execute shortcut.add('Tab', function() {runs("Tab");}, {'disable_in_input':false,'type':'keydown'} ); //execute shortcut.add('F1', function() {runs("F1");}, {'disable_in_input':false,'type':'keydown'} ); */ shortcut.add("Ctrl+Shift+2", function() {alert("Ctrl+Shift+2");} ); //Remove the shortcut shortcut.remove("Ctrl+Shift+2"); } function runs(str){ alert(str); } window.onload = shortcuts; </script> </head> <body> <textarea>ddd</textarea> </body> </html>